Interesting Facts About Eddie Murphy

When Edward Regan Murphy was in high school, he predicted that he would become famous by the time he was 19, and a millionaire by 22. And Eddie was right. He shot to stardom in the popular TV comedy show Saturday Night Live when he was 19. He began making movies in 1982 and quickly became a star and a millionaire. Audiences loved the hip, sassy characters he played in hits such as 48 Hrs., Trading Places, and Beverly Hills Cop. He remained one of Hollywood's top box-office attractions throughout the 1980s.

Murphy's star dimmed in the early 1990s. He appeared in a series of films that disappointed his fans and failed financially, and it seemed that his days as a top star were over for good. But then, in the summer of 1996, Murphy came back when The Nutty Professor became a huge hit. Murphy played two leading roles: an overweight, painfully shy professor who invents a formula that transforms him into a thin and smooth-talking ladies' man. But those weren't the only parts he played. 

With the help of inventive makeup, he also portrayed five other characters—including the professor's mother and grandmother. Murphy earned some of the biggest laughs of his career, and the film brought in more than $200 million worldwide. The Nutty Professor was followed by a new string of Eddie Murphy hits, including Doctor Dolittle, Bowfinger, and Nutty Professor II: The Klumps. Murphy provided the voice for the wisecracking donkey in the animated films Shrek (2001) and Shrek 2 (2004).


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